9 Ways To Help Manage Your Asthma Naturally

Spring is well and truly in the air and for many asthma sufferers the allergens that come with this time of the year can be serious triggers. It can be very frustrating and for some exhausting. But there are some things you can implement into your daily life that can help ease the symptoms and severity of asthma attacks.

Below are some key nutrients and lifestyle factors for consideration (and worth speaking to your doctor about) that can help to support the immune system during this time.

1.Vitamin C

A powerful antioxidant, known for its immune supportive and anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin C protects the tissues of the lungs by reducing bronchial reactivity, helps to reduce exercise induced asthma, and lowers histamine. 

2. Magnesium

Magnesium helps to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchioles and can help prevent platelets from becoming sticky, reducing adverse reactions from occurring.

3. Quercetin

Better known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and anti-oxidative actions. It can assist in preventing the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. 

4. Zinc

Helpful to prevent deficiency which is linked to increase of IgE (Antibodies produced by the immune system) that cause the body to go into overdrive in the presence of an allergen. It also is a great antioxidant.

5. Omega 3

Reduces the constriction of bronchi and therefore improves the airway responsiveness to allergens, improving overall respiratory function . 

6. CoQ10 

An antioxidant that is usually synthesized in the body naturally and necessary for growth and maintenance. CoQ10 naturally depletes with age so may be useful to supplement. It can be valuable for reducing oxidative stress associated with asthma and can also reduce the side effects associated with taking corticosteroids. 

7. Vitamin D

In asthmatics vitamin D deficiency is not uncommon and is strongly associated with reduce lung function. Vitamin D suppresses inflammation by directly affecting the innate immunity.

8. Diet for Asthma

While there is no specific diet to follow for asthma there a foods that can be beneficial to include and foods to avoid.

Asthma sufferers would benefit from a diet rich in wholefoods. Foods rich in beta-carotene found in carrots, sweet potatoes and leafy greens and magnesium-rich foods such as pumpkin seeds and spinach help to support lung function. There is evidence to suggest that apples and bananas can be helpful in decreasing wheezing episodes.

Foods to be avoided include common food allergens such as dairy, eggs, fish and nuts, as allergies can trigger attacks. Preservatives such as sulphites found in wine, dried fruit and pickled foods as well as artificial food additives are likely exacerbate symptoms.

9. Lifestyle Considerations 

Asthma can be minimized by taking into account some lifestyle modifications. 

Consider minimizing irritants and allergens wherever possible. Avoiding smoke, mould, pollen, dust, pollutants and household chemicals and choosing low-tox alternatives can make a big difference. 

Asthma can become exacerbated by cold temperature so maintaining a stable temperature inside the home particularly in the bedroom is important in preventing attacks.

Massage and exercise can be extraordinarily beneficial in managing stress that  can sometimes trigger attacks. 

The Buteyko Breathing Method is a breathing technique that can help you improve the way that you breathe and promotes quiet breathing through the nose as opposed to deep diaphragmatic breathing. The Buteyko method  has been shown to be useful for asthma sufferers and those suffering from other respiratory conditions. 

Asthma and Skin

Sensitivities in skin are not uncommon in sufferers. The most common skin disorders associated with asthma symptoms are usually inflammatory but can be acute (short lived) and chronic (long-term). Conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema and even rosacea are most prevalent and can be exacerbated by skin care, personal care, extreme temperatures and aggressive handling of the skin. Dietary adjustments and the inclusion of the mentioned wholefoods for asthma may be helpful in decreasing symptoms in the skin. If you suffer from any of these conditions and have skin concerns and sensitivities its important to seek professional advice for how to best care for your skin to prevent sensitivity and adverse reactions.


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