My 4 Non-Negotiables In A Night-time Skincare Routine

We’ve all been there after a big night out when you get home and just want to jump straight into bed. For the love of skin! Don’t do it sister!

Make-up sitting on your skin is a great place for bacteria and impurities (dead cells, sebum, sweat, pollution) to harbour, oxidise and block pores leading to breakouts and an irritable barrier. These conditions usually start as low-grade inflammation that long-term lead to premature ageing and more sensitivity.

Here are 4 things you can do before bed that not only reduce the effects of premature ageing but keep your skin healthy and facilitate recovery and cell turn-over while you sleep. All in under 5 minutes!

1. Cleanse your skin

Whether you wear make-up or not, a good quality cleanser that’s carefully chosen to suit your skin needs will help remove all the debris that’s accumulated on the surface during the day, perspiration, bacteria, excess oil and to some extent dead skin cells. By cleansing your skin, you are making way for more effective penetration of actives found in serums and nutrients in your moisturiser that help to stabilize the skins pH and support a healthy skin microbiome (your skins innate immunity).

2. Use a serum

Serums can vary significantly in what they do but as a general rule they are a much thinner viscosity and therefore more rapidly and deeply absorbed. They provide the skin hydration and deliver active ingredients that target specific skin conditions such as acne, sensitivity, dehydration, fine lines and wrinkles, discolouration and pigmentation. Due to their viscosity and concentration of actives, improvement in skin is also seen much quicker, provided you are using the serum that is right for you.

3. Moisturise

Moisturisers have a very protective role. They prevent water evaporating from the skin, reducing dryness and dehydration at the outer-most layer of the skin, the stratum corneum. They also help to seal-in serums and prevent oxidation. They soothe, calm and provide essential lipids and other nutrients that nourish and assist repair.

4. Have a glass of water

More likely than not your body is dehydrated after a night out. A glass of tepid or luke-warm water before bed will help replenish lost fluids, encourage the removal of waste through improved circulation and assists in the regulation of core body temperature, usually a slight drop, that encourages restful sleep.


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