How a Facial Treatment Can Stimulate the Vagus Nerve and Reduce Stress

The benefits of self-care have scientific merit.  More than just a trend, engaging in self-care has been clinically shown to benefit your mental health. In our non-stop digital world, it forces us to carve time out of our day to reconnect with ourselves, tend to our needs, and nourish our bodies.

Of all the self-care practices out there, receiving a facial massage is among the most beneficial. This is because the techniques applied during a facial treatment make use of our body’s skin-mind connection. Our skin and minds have an interconnected relationship, and the condition of your skin can be a mirror into your overall health. For instance, dull, dry skin might remind you to pour yourself a glass of water. Or a pimple popping up along your jawline might signal that your monthly cycle is about to start. Our bodies are always trying to communicate with us, but often we fail to listen. By being mindful of this skin-mind connection, you can notice these signals and tend to your body’s needs.

Likewise, applying intentional pressure and touch to the skin, as well as certain oils and creams, can have positive effects on our emotions and health. This is why having facial treatments that require massage can successfully relieve stress. Studies support this, showing that a facial massage can reduce anxiety and uplift a negative mood. 

In fact, the benefits that facial treatments have on stress are often understated. A holistic facial treatment loosens and relaxes facial muscles that are habitually clenched through warm compresses and intentional touch. It also circulates blood flow which can reduce inflammation, a common contributor in aging. The result is decreased puffiness and a youthful glow.

Most importantly, a facial treatment can positively stimulate the vagus nerve. The vagus nerves play a large role in your parasympathetic nervous system. They help control involuntary functions like your heart beat and mood. The vagus nerves also counteracts your flight-or-flight response and signals to your body that it is okay to calm down. You have a vagus nerve that runs along each side of your body, starting from your brainstem and traveling through your neck all the way to your stomach. During a holistic facial, your therapist can stimulate your vagus nerve in a way that triggers relaxation throughout your body. This can reduce stress and calm the nervous system as a result, it can also balance out your emotions, lower your heart rate, and even reduce inflammation-induced aging.

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. But chronic and uncontrolled stress can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health and contribute to premature aging. By practicing self-care regularly, we can counteract some of the effects of stress. Getting a facial treatment that involves a massage is a great way to do this. Using specific, scientifically supported techniques, a holistic skin therapist can loosen tight facial muscles, circulate blood flow that reduces inflammation, and stimulate your vagus nerve to reduce stress levels. You will leave with a glowing, youthful appearance. Beyond that, getting a holistic facial gives you time to practice mindfulness - see The Mindfulness Facial - and give your body some much needed pampering.

Listening to and caring for our skin, mind and body is key to living mindfully and having a calm, content life. At mata wellbeing our highly trained skin care specialists can provide personalised care for your skin’s specific needs. Allow us to melt your worries away through a mindful and holistic facial. If you are interested in scheduling a facial treatment, check out our services.




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